Table of songs and quotes

Chapter Title of Chapter Chapter's Song Significance of the song Author Title Comment
1 Of Our Spiritual Strivings Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen Arthur Symons The Crying of the Waters  
2 Of the Dawn of Freedom My Lord, What a Mourning The end (Mourning) and the beginning (Morning) James Lowell "The Present Crisis" Truth on the Scaffold sways the future
3 Of Mr. Booker T. Washington and Others A Great Camp-meeting in the Promised Land Sarcastic selection? Not a master song Byron "Child Harold's Pilgrimmage" Who would be free must strike
4 Of the Meaning of Progress My Way's Cloudy The song of groping Schiller "The Maid of Orleans" In German
5 Of the Wings of Atalanta The Rocks and the Mountains Song of fugitives Whittier "Howard at Atlanta" Tether's broken, slave and master are together
6 Of the Training of Black Men March On the second, Afro-American, stage of Black music Fitzgerald "The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam" Body a shame when souls can fly
7 Of the Black Belt Bright Sparkles in the Churchyard "a step removed from the more primitive types: there is the maze-like medley" Song of Solomon "" Work for others
8 Of the Quest of the Golden Fleece Children, You'll be Called On Not a master song W.V. Moody "The Brute" Describes life of oppressor and oppressed
9 Of the Sons of Master and Man I'm a Rolling Not a master song Mrs. Browning "The Relation of the Negroes to the Whites in the South" We are too close pressed to have two dreams
10 Of the Faith of the Fathers Steal Away Song of songs, from the faith of our fathers, Afro-American Music Fiona Macleod "Dim Face of Beauty" What are White material gains in face of the sad mystery of ages...
11 Of the Passing of the First-Born I Hope My Mother Will be There A step removed from the more primitive types. Burst of melody hovering over the "passing of the first-born Swinburne "Itylus" Remembrance vow
12 "Of Alexander Crummell" "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" Cradle song of death, which all men know. Lord Tennyson "The Passing of Arthur" This world only echoes the greatness of the soul
13 "Of the Coming of John" "You May Bury Me in the East" or "I'll Hear The Trumpet Sound" Fast toward Africa, or The voices of Exile Mrs. Elizabeth Barrett Browning "Romance of the Ganges" Plea for God to calm the unquiet night
14 "The Sorrow Songs" "Wrestlin' Jacob" Poem of helpful strife "Negro Spiritual" "Lay This Body Down" Soul shall meet some day
14 (txt) "The Sorrow Songs" Do Bana  
14 (txt) "The Sorrow Songs" My Soul Wants Something New  
14 (txt) "The Sorrow Songs" Poor Rosy  
14 (txt) "The Sorrow Songs" Weary Traveler