*The nexus of generative and sociolinguistic models

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Is the bioprogram hypothesis alone enough to explain creole genesis? Few including Bickerton would make such a claim, although it is often attributed to him. The socio-historical factors of creole culture formation provided an environment from within which Bickerton proposes the bioprogram to partially emerge in the grammars of first generation creole speakers.

Applying generative grammar........................<[LINK]>

-- The bioprogram draws upon Chomsky's generative grammar for

its theoretical frame, but applies it to actual speakers.

In conjunction with sociohistorical context........<[LINK]>

-- The bioprogram is not exclusive of social effects

As a matrix of representation and communication....<[LINK]>

-- It emerges from within the matrix of representation and

communication only when historical agents are considered.

Creoles, not pidgins, the locus of the bioprogram..<[LINK]>

-- The bioprogram is manifested in creoles, while pidgins are

negotiated social constructions.