**** Field work and immersion
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Some of the best recent work has been from creolists who are native speakers of the language they are studying, for example, Beryl Bailey's work on Jamaican Creole syntax and John Rickford's work on Guyanese Creole. Creole studies today are usually grounded in long periods in the field and intensive descriptive analysis usually based on immersion in the society under study, such as Derek Bickerton's eighteen years of study of the post-creole continuum in Guyana and Taboret-Keller and LePage's thirty-year project, reaching conclusions at odds with Bickerton from data in Belize.
John Rickford ..................................... <[LINK]>
Beryl Bailey ......................................... <[LINK]>
Studies of the post-creole language systems .......... <[LINK]>