**** Representation and communication
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Two types of thinking run unacknowledged through most linguistic theory. Hymes has labelled them referential and social. Saussure wrote of _la lange_ and _parole_, Chomsky distinguishes competence from performance. Each of these methods is different in its perspective and results, but each also has certain features in common with its counterparts. I believe that these divisions can be encompassed in a model that accounts not only for position, but direction of thinking as well.
The terms that encompass these processes in an explanatory way are "representation" and "communication." Representation processes meaning, both interpretively and expressively. Its locus is within agents, it can only be considered emically. Communication is what takes place as a by-product of plural representation. Its locus is _between_ agents; it is relational. Taking place outside of agents, it can be considered etically.
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<[LINK]> <[LINK]> <[LINK]> <[LINK]> <emicetic>
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{<[LINK]> --jump to Bick for rep., }
{<[LINK]> --pidgins as communication...}