'origins of universals vs substrate positions, 1878-1883'

Adolpho Coelho, a Portuguese philologist, was the first to

posit a universalist origin for creoles, claiming in 1878 that

processes of simplification inherent to second language learning

were the primary cause of any linguistic distinctiveness creoles

might claim. His position, which allowed for no substrate

influence whatsoever, was countered by Lucien Adam's 1883

assertion of an equally strong substratist position, maintaining

that francophone creoles had relied on French for their lexicons

but kept intact as much of the substrate grammar and phonology as

possible. {<[LINK]> Holm88} 27-29) The terms of a second debate

that is still underway had been set, this time along a somewhat

specious dichotomy between substrates and universals as the two

opposed explanations for differences between creoles and their


<[LINK] to continue with history of creole studies>
