**** System in Black Language
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UP: <[LINK]>
Sutcliffe and Figueroa claim that substrate influences reside largely at the level of system in Vernacular Black English of North America as well as in Atlantic creoles. They claim that this solves many of the conflicts between universalist and substrate positions by allowing overlap, not only from one region to the next in a way that develops an African identity from numerous ethnicities but allows this to take place in an environment congruent with the emergence of universal features in many cases. What they offer, I think is the nexus between the universalist and substratist positions. It also allows a means of forming a continental, pan-African identity where little previous grounds to do so might have existed prior to creole formation.
To explore some of the systemic features they propose ... <[LINK]>
Some synthetic tools ................................ <[LINK]>
Sutcliffe with Figueroa, _System in Black Language_,