___What are power relations?_________________________
--A workable starting definition is that
Power relations are what enable who to do what to whom.
Power relations are the matrix of possible actors and their
possible interactions. <[LINK] -9)>
--To apply this definition of power relations:
The matrix of possible actors and their possible
interactions would be all the ways that the following
template could be completed in any one moment, employing for
each blank in order: a property, a possible actor, a
possible act, and a possible actor (can be reflexive).
_(what)_ enables _(who)_ to _(do_what_to)_ _whom_
e.g. wealth the west exploit the rest
labor the rest sell to the west
and so on but with better poetics... <[LINK] 1 8>
The keys to this system are instantaneous responsivieness,
simultaneous possibilities, and perceived access to "properties."