How are the definitions of power relations arrived at?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UP:<[LINK]>
The starting definition is that: <[LINK] -1)>
Power relations are what enable who to do what to whom.
Another way of stating it is that: <[LINK] -2)>
Power relations are the bounded portion of power that gives
agents the ability to act on patients.
{<[LINK]> Vocab: agent, patient}
This tends to hide the multilateral nature of relations however.
A way of making this explicit would be to say: <[LINK] -3)>
Power relations are the bounded portion of power that gives
entities the ability to interact in a particular way.
The bounded portion of power, a latent domain, both generates and
constrains the interaction in addition to affecting the
participant entities. To clarify: <[LINK] -4>
Power relations are the domain of latent power that makes it
possible for entities to interact in a way that temporally
manifests that power among them.
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If the matrix all the actions and actors possible at any one
instant completely constitute the domain, then the definition may
be stated more simply with no loss: <[LINK] -9)>
Power relations are the matrix of possible actors and
possible actions.
There are no outcomes, because power deployed unidirectionally
instantaneously alters the relationship. This is the working
definition. Its repercussions are important.
{<[LINK]> cf <[LINK] -8)> below as well--use these as a bridge to the
Waxing as near aphorism as the first definition, but better
capturing the nature of power relations, would be last offered
definition: <[LINK] -10>
Power relations are ever-shifting threats and promises.