Scanner and Mountains

Ambient/found sound at the fake palm hothouse that is Winter Garden at one Financial Center in NYC…

Caught the last note of the Mountains‘ set. That note lasted about ten minutes. I’m sure it was meaningful in context.

Scanner started with a John Cage silence joke. Then some swirly organish synth string fairly cheesy with some perhaps backwards operatic singing, voice ehoed and reverbed a bit.  Second piece: one note guitar with scanned voices.  Acid washed b&w film bass clicks — dah da da dah vocal refrain thru harmonizer set off kilter. 3rd piece. Film now in color. Abstract patterns from real life. Pounding drums peeled back reveal gentle acoustic beat underneath. Phone machine messages, almost a cliche by now. Equipment malfunctions. Intended? Film laterally along some coast from above. Cobalt water: beautiful. polluted? Beside blue, bands of tan sand, green forest. Bluetanyellow bands pass by like typewriter ribbon or magnetic tape. Rest: more but different. Minimalism fun.   More here. Next.
