Chris Dixon and crew

I promised FB friends a link to the music I’ve been doing lately…bassist Eric Parker and I (i.e. rreplay) jammed 3 different times with rapper Chris Dixon (check him out at and keyboard player Alison Hearn.  Here is a cut from that session.  The second time I forgot my laptop AC chord and so just played straight through an amp in the room with no fx for a change after the battery ran out.  One cut came out a little like a digital underground throwback with some conscious rapping [edit: maybe a little by way of NYC No Wavers the Contortions :)]  Chris was unfortunately drowned out this session (maybe because we had live drums), but here the link gives a sense of the music and a little bit of rapping.  That session we were joined by Jake, a sax player/rapper/beatmaker guy and drummer Justin.  Did not catch their last names.  Jake came back for an encore the third night and we got a few more good tracks.   I’ll go through them and post an excerpt.  rreplay is also recording some more, and hopefully we’ll finally get to mix our second album while I’m here in Boston.  As usual, FB people may have to come to the blog at to hear stuff…never sure how that is going to work.


twittering tweets


I have been working a little with a soundscape construction program called tapestrea from the sound lab people at Princeton.   The result is a couple of second snippet of a birdcall I recorded in Manoa raised, lowered, warped, multiplied, shrunk, and stretched.  The first few seconds are the complete unadulterated sample from which the rest of the piece is constructed.  Try it with headphones, as the stereo placement of the tweets is pretty cool.  As usual, if you are picking this up on Facebook, you may need to come to for the links to work and to hear the music.  Hah! and I bet you thought I was going to announce I’m on twitter or some such.  I haven’t seen a good reason to become a twit yet though.
